Posted On: 13 Oct, 2022. 3 minread
If you are already a registered merchant on PayU, you will find the API Keys by following the below steps:
1. Login to PayU Dashboard
2. Select Payment Gateway under Collect Payments from the menu on the left-pane
3. Scroll down to the Key Salt Details section. The values for the following fields are generated automatically (for the first time) and displayed.
Copy these details and paste them on your Zopping dashboard.
If you do not have a valid business account with PayU, you can follow this guide to get one.
Note: PayU compliance team does a sanity check of your online store by looking for the below details on the home page of your online store. They can either disable your API keys or set a cap on the money you can collect in a month via these API keys, if they find the following information missing. So, please ensure that you have them configured.