even more stunning on mobile devices\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.shopping.convenience\":\n \"Enable shopping convenience as shopping cart will be common across devices\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.international.app\":\n \"Get your own international quality Android and iOS app\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.manage.go\": \"Manage it on-the-go\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.easy.access\":\n \"Easily access your shop-admin on your Android mobile\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.update.prices\": \"Update prices, stock and images\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.important.alerts\":\n \"Get alerts on important events such as order placement, payment and cancellation\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.customer.reply\":\n \"Reply to customer emails and chats without any delay\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.customer.reachout\": \"Reach out to your customers\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.powerful.seo\": \"Get new customers with our powerful SEO\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.offers.coupons\":\n \"Create offers and coupons targeting a segment of your customers\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.marketing.campaigns\":\n \"Run targeted marketing campaigns via SMS, Emails and App-notifications to specific customers\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.manage.customers\": \"Manage your customers\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.build.loyalty\": \"Use our powerful CRM to build loyalty\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.view.customers\":\n \"View all your customers in one place with their detailed purchase history\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.upload.details\":\n \"Upload details of your offline-customers to provide them the same level of service\",\n \"smartstore.eazy.add.edit.details\":\n \"Add or edit details such as address, email and phone number of your customers\",\n message404:\n \"You didn’t break the internet, but we can’t find what you are looking for.\",\n \"go.home\": \"Go to homepage\",\n \"zopping.pricing\": \"Pricing Plan\",\n \"choose.pricing\": \"Choose your pricing plan\",\n \"why.choose.us\":\"Why Choose Us\",\n \"pay.for.use\": \"Pay us only for what you sell online through us\",\n \"currency.selector\": \"Currency Selector\",\n \"everything.free\": \"Everything is FREE including Desktop & Mobile Web\",\n \"android.app.customers\": \"Android App for customers\",\n \"ios.app.customers\": \"iOS App for Customers\",\n \"picker.app.employees\": \"Picker App for Employess\",\n \"logistics.app.employees\": \"Logistic App for Employess\",\n \"buy.now\": \"Buy Now\",\n \"contact.us.support\": \"Contact Us for the support\",\n \"contact.us.new.support\": \"Contact Sales\",\n \"customization.integration\": \"Reach to us for customization and integration\",\n \"customization.new.integration\": \"Reach to us for a quotation\",\n \"cant.find.answer\": \"Can’t find an answer?\",\n \"pricing.faq\": \"Pricing - Frequently asked questions\",\n \"view.more\": \"View More\",\n \"view.less\": \"View Less\",\n \"more.than\": \"More than\",\n \"month.sales\": \"month sales\",\n \"upto.text\": \"Upto\",\n heroHeadingText: \"Grow your business online\",\n heroParagraphText: \"The ultimate E-commerce Platform for Retailers.\",\n heroFormButtonText: \"Start Selling Online for Free\",\n heroFormInputPlaceholder: \"Email address or Phone number\",\n heroFormPhoneNumberPlaceholder: \"Phone number\",\n heroFormEmailIdPlaceholder: \"Email address\",\n \"email.two.days\": \"Email within two working days\",\n \"email.instant.chat\": \"Email & Instant Chat as soon as possible\",\n \"email.and.telephonic\":\n \"Email, Instant Chat, & Telephonic as soon as possible\",\n \"email.account.manager\":\n \"Email, Instant Chat, Telephonic & Account Manager will be assigned\",\n testimonialsHeading: \"Our customers love what we do\",\n testimonialsSubHeading:\n \"Our customers send us bunch of smiles with our services and we love them\",\n \"select.language.heading\": \"Select language\",\n \"my.dashboard\": \"My Dashboard\",\n \"logout.text\": \"Logout\",\n \"privacy.policy\": \"Privacy Policy\",\n \"pricing.comparison.heading\": \"Why to choose us?\",\n \"pricing.comparison.subheading\": \"See our feature comparison with others\",\n \"compare.with.others\": \"Compare with others\",\n customDomain: \"Custom Domain\",\n onlineStore: \"Online Store\",\n catalogue: \"Catalogue\",\n payments: \"Payments\",\n marketingOffers: \"Marketing & Offers\",\n orderManagement: \"Order Management\",\n ratingsReviews: \"Ratings & Reviews\",\n support: \"Support via emails, chats & phone calls\",\n salesChannels: \"Sales Channels\",\n orderCreation: \"Manual order creation\",\n discounts: \"Product discount & coupon discounts\",\n ssl: \"SSL Certificate\",\n cart: \"Abandoned cart\",\n giftCards: \"Gift cards\",\n reportsAnalytics: \"Reports & Analytics\",\n yes: \"Yes\",\n no: \"No\",\n limited: \"Limited\",\n unlimited: \"Unlimited\",\n hostingSsl: \"Hosting and SSL certificate\",\n themes: \"Themes\",\n customerSignup: \"Customer Signup Page\",\n multiStore: \"Multi Stores\",\n multiSales: \"Multi Sales Channel\",\n products: \"Products\",\n collectionTags: \"Collections & Tags\",\n weightBasedPrices: \"Weight-based Prices\",\n productSubstitution: \"Product Substitutions\",\n stockManagement: \"Stock management\",\n rackManagement: \"Rack management\",\n gatewayInteg: \"Gateway Integration\",\n walletCashback: \"Wallets and Cashbacks\",\n cashOnDelivery: \"Cash on Delivery\",\n voucherGifts: \"Vouchers/ Gift Cards\",\n campaigns: \"Campaigns (Email/ SMS)\",\n notifications: \"App Notifications\",\n customSeo: \"Custom SEO\",\n coupons: \"Coupons\",\n offers: \"Offers on Products/ Collections/ Tags\",\n manualOrder: \"Manual Order Creation\",\n pickerApp: \"Picker Mobile App\",\n intelligentPicking: \"Intelligent Picking Queue\",\n deliveryManagement: \"Delivery Management\",\n surcharge: \"Surcharge\",\n slotCharges: \"Slot-based charges\",\n vehiclePlanning: \"Vehicle Planning\",\n routePlanning: \"Route Planning\",\n deliveryPersonTracking: \"Delivery Person Tracking\",\n thirdPartyLogistics: \"Third-Party Logistics Integration\",\n staffManagement: \"Staff Management\",\n multiUsers: \"Multi-Users\",\n employeeMobileApp: \"Employee Mobile App\",\n attendanceSummary: \"Attendance Summary\",\n roleBasedPermissions: \"Role-Based Permissions\",\n reportAnalytics: \"Reports & Analytics\",\n reports: \"Reports\",\n analytics: \"Analytics\",\n monthlyFixedCharges: \"Monthly Fixed Charges\",\n commissions: \"Commissions\",\n freePlugins: \"Free Plugins\",\n customerMobileApp: \"Customer mobile app (iOS and Android)\",\n \"contact.help.banner.question\": \"How can we help you?\",\n \"contact.help.banner.tagline\":\n \"Just leave your contact details below and our e-commerce expert will get in touch with you at the earliest\",\n \"contact.placeholder.fullname\": \"Full Name\",\n \"contact.placeholder.phone\": \"Phone number\",\n \"contact.placeholder.email\": \"Email address\",\n \"contact.placeholder.message\": \"Message\",\n \"contact.reachout\": \"Reach out to us for a quick response\",\n \"contact.reachout.question\": \"Got a question? Get in touch with us\",\n \"contact.chat\": \"Chat with us\",\n \"map.message\": \"We are right here\",\n \"map.viewmap\": \"View in map\",\n \"zopping.welcome\": \"Welcome to Zopping\",\n \"zopping.loginForm.subheading\": \"Enter your details below\",\n \"loginForm.username.placeholder\": \"Enter your email or phone number\",\n \"loginForm.email.id.placeholder\": \"Enter your email\",\n \"feature.one.description\":\n \"Get started for free and pay only for what you use\",\n \"feature.two.description\":\n \"All the features and apps completely unlocked at no extra cost\",\n \"feature.three.description\":\n \"A variable monthly charge that follows your monthly online sales\",\n \"feature.one.new.description\":\n \"Best in the industry customer support\",\n \"feature.two.new.description\":\n \"A platform that scales as your business grows\",\n \"feature.three.new.description\":\n \"Highly customizable and open to 3rd party integrations\",\n \"monthly.charges\": \"Monthly Charges\",\n \"pricing.rule\": \"Montly Online Store Sales\",\n \"highlight.heading\": \"What you get\",\n \"monthly.store.sales\": \"Monthly Online Store Sales\",\n \"activation.charge\": \"Activation Charges\",\n \"charges.per.month\": \"Charges per month\",\n \"setup.store.free\": \"Setup your store for FREE!\",\n password: \"Password\",\n \"loginForm.password.placeholder\": \"Enter your password\",\n \"remember.me\": \"Remember me\",\n \"dont.have.account\": \"Don't have an account\",\n \"create.account\": \"Create an account\",\n name: \"Name\",\n \"enter.name\": \"Enter your name\",\n \"create.your.account\": \"Create your account\",\n \"creating.account\": \"Creating your account\",\n \"already.have.account\": \"Already have an account\",\n \"forgot.password\": \"Forgot Password?\",\n \"submit.text\": \"Submit\",\n submitting: \"Submitting\",\n \"resetPassword.successMessage\": \"Your password has been successfully reset\",\n \"resetPassword.loginLinkText\": \"Go to login\",\n \"can.try.zopping\": \"Can I try Zopping without paying?\",\n \"sign.up.free.trial\":\n \"Yes. Just sign up and avail 15 days free trial of the platform.\",\n \"enter.credit.card\":\n \"Do I need to enter my credit card number or any other payment details to take the trial?\",\n \"no.requirement.payment.details\":\n \"No. There is no requirement to enter any payment details to take the trial. You can just sign-up and start using the platform\",\n \"trial.over\": \"What happens once my trial is over?\",\n \"continue.using.platform\":\n \"If you want to continue using the platform, then you will have to pay by recharging your in-built wallet with a minimum of Rs.2,000. In case you don’t recharge your wallet within 15 days of trial expiry, your account will get permanently deleted.\",\n \"how.do.i.pay\": \"How do I pay?\",\n \"can.pay.by\":\n \"We automatically deduct the money every month from your account wallet based on the orders fulfilled through your online store for that particular month. You can store and recharge money into your \",\n pay: \"Pay\",\n \"pay.once\": \"Pay once,\",\n \"use.forever\": \"use forever\",\n \"pricing.feature.less.than.text1\":\"Less than 2%\",\n \"pricing.feature.less.than.text2\":\"Less than 0.25%\",\n \"pricing.feature.chargeable\":\"Chargeable\",\n \"free.trail\": \"7 DAYS FREE TRIAL\",\n \"what.is.activation.charge.question\": \"What is the Activation Charge?\",\n \"what.is.activation.charge.answer\":\n \"Activation Charge is a one-time charge levied by Zopping for creating your online store. However, we offer a 7-day free trial during which time you can build and use your online store without paying any Activation Charge.\",\n \"what.happens.free.trail.end.question\":\n \"What happens to my online store after my free trial period ends and I don’t pay the Activation Charge?\",\n \"need.maintenance.charge.running.store.question\":\n \"Do I need to pay any monthly/ yearly maintenance charge to keep my online store running?\",\n \"account.wallet\": \"account wallet\",\n \"need.maintenance.charge.running.store.answer\":\n \"Yes. Apart from the one-time Activation Charge, you will have to pay a monthly maintenance fee, which is dependent on the amount of sales made on your online store. You can refer to the above slab to understand your monthly maintenance charges.\",\n \"what.happens.free.trail.end.answer\":\n \"If you do not pay the Activation Charge before the trial period ends, then your store will be disabled. However, all the details and data about your online store will remain saved and secure. You can pay the Activation Charge and get back to using your online store at any time in the future from the point where you left.\",\n \"how.do.pay.charge.question\": \"How do I pay the Activation Charge?\",\n \"how.do.pay.charge.answer\":\n \"Once you login to your Zopping dashboard, you will notice a button on top of the Home page to pay the Activation Charge. You can click on it and proceed to pay.\",\n \"how.do.pay.monthly.maintenance.charge.question\":\n \"How do I pay the monthly maintenance charge?\",\n \"how.do.pay.monthly.maintenance.charge.answer1\":\n \"On completion of a calendar month, we send you an email with the billing amount based on the value of orders you won on the online store. This amount will be automatically deducted from your account wallet. You can store and recharge money into your \",\n \"how.do.pay.monthly.maintenance.charge.answer2\":\n \"from your admin panel or the app. Our payment gateway accepts all standard credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, UPI and e-wallets.\",\n \"my.account.balance.insufficient.question\":\n \"What happens when my account wallet balance is insufficient to pay the monthly charges?\",\n \"my.account.balance.insufficient.answer\":\n \"We alert you through multiple channels like email, push notifications and SMS about the insufficient funds in your wallet and request you to recharge your wallet.\",\n \"my.account.balance.insufficient.answer.case1\":\n \"Case 1: If the wallet balance is negative for more than 15 days continuously then your account will be automatically disabled i.e. your website will be down. As soon as you recharge your wallet and make the balance positive, your website will be live again.\",\n \"my.account.balance.insufficient.answer.case2\":\n \"Case 2: If the wallet balance is negative for more than 60 days continuously then the account will be automatically deleted i.e. both your website and admin account will be deleted. All your data will be permanently lost.\",\n \"need.to.bear.in.mind.question\":\n \"Are there any other costs that I need to bear in my mind?\",\n \"need.to.bear.in.mind.answer1\":\n \"If you wish to publish your Android or iOS app, then we charge a nominal fee. \",\n \"need.to.bear.in.mind.answer2\":\n \"Setup and usage of Zopping Picker and Delivery apps are also charged. Please reach out to your sales team for the quotation. \",\n \"need.to.bear.in.mind.answer3\":\n \"Apart from these, all the other features, themes, extensions and apps are completely free. However, if you choose your own domain name, then you may have to pay your domain provider. Delivery charges and payment gateway charges as agreed between you and the concerned parties are not included in our pricing plan and hence has to be borne by you.Have more doubts? Feel free to contact us by Email or call.\",\n \"charge.admin.panel\":\n \"from your admin panel or the app. Our payment gateway accepts all standard credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, UPI and e-wallets.\",\n \"features.during.trial\": \"What features do I get during trial?\",\n \"features.paid.user\":\n \"You get all the features that a paid user gets. To see the complete list please visit Zopping \",\n \"features.page\": \"features page\",\n \"addon.features\": \"What are add-on features?\",\n \"addon.features.answer\":\n \"Add-on features are functionalities that are specific to individual businesses and may not be needed by everyone. You can view all these functionalities and turn-on as per your need.\",\n \"addon.features.charge\": \"Are add-on features chargeable?\",\n \"addon.features.charge.answer\":\n \"Most of the add-on features are free of charge and you just need to enable them to start using them. For paid add-on features, the payment is deducted from your account wallet as per the pricing of the individual feature.\",\n \"turnoff.addon.features\": \"Can I turn-off add-on features anytime?\",\n \"turnoff.addon.features.answer\":\n \"Yes. But you need to be extremely careful while turning-off these features as you may lose their corresponding data permanently.\",\n \"remind.balance.low\":\n \"Will you remind me if my account wallet balance is low?\",\n \"remind.balance.low.answer\":\n \"Yes. We will send you multiple reminders via sms and email once your account balance is below Rs.2000.\",\n \"negative.balance.wallet\":\n \"What happens when my account wallet balance is insufficient to pay the monthly charges?\",\n \"negative.balance.reminder\":\n \"We alert you through multiple channels like email, push notifications and SMS about the insufficient funds in your wallet and request you to recharge your wallet.\",\n \"negative.balance.case.one\":\n \"Case 1: If the wallet balance is negative for more than 15 days continuously then your account will be automatically disabled i.e. your website will be down, although you will be able to access your account-admin. As soon as you recharge your wallet and make the balance positive, your website will be live again.\",\n \"negative.balance.case.two\":\n \"Case 2: If the wallet balance is negative for more than 60 days continuously then the account will be automatically deleted i.e. both your website and admin account will be deleted. All your data will be permanently lost.\",\n \"stop.using.platform\":\n \"If I want to stop using your platform, will I get my wallet-money back?\",\n \"stop.using.platform.answer\":\n \"Yes. At any time you can communicate to us to that you want to stop using our platform. We will refund your wallet amount after deduction of the running month’s rental payment and dues till date.\",\n install: \"Install\",\n installing: \"Installing\",\n uninstall: \"Uninstall\",\n uninstalling: \"Uninstalling\",\n installed: \"Installed\",\n \"registered.user.text\": \"You are already registered\",\n \"zopping.features\": \"Zopping Features\",\n \"feature.description\":\n \"Get a better understanding of all the amazing things Zopping can do.\",\n \"login.or.text\": \"OR\",\n \"login.with.google\": \"Login with Google\",\n \"signup.with.google\": \"Sign up with Google\",\n free: \"Free\",\n customizable: \"Customizable\",\n standard: \"Standard\",\n premium: \"Premium\",\n \"stay.in.touch\": \"Stay in touch\",\n \"contact.us\": \"Contact Us\",\n \"about.us\": \"About Us\",\n \"company.text\": \"Company\",\n \"blog.text\": \"Blog\",\n \"share.this.article\":\n \"SHARE THIS ARTICLE\",\n \"posted.on\": \"Posted On\",\n \"read.text\": \"read\",\n \"instagram.text\": \"Instagram\",\n \"facebook.text\": \"Facebook\",\n \"twitter.text\": \"Twitter\",\n \"linkedin.text\": \"Linkedin\",\n \"you.might.also.like.reading\": \"You might also like Reading\",\n \"terms.conditions\": \"Terms and Conditions\",\n \"terms.conditions.about-1\": `The terms Raramuri Consultancy Services LLP individually and\n collectively refer to the Company and the terms \"Visitor” ”User”\n refer to the users.`,\n \"terms.conditions.about-2\": `This page states the Terms and Conditions under which you (Visitor)\n may visit this website (“www.zopping.com”). Please read this page\n carefully. If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions stated\n here, we would request you to exit this site. The business, any of\n its business divisions and / or its subsidiaries, associate\n companies or subsidiaries to subsidiaries or such other investment\n companies (in India or abroad) reserve their respective rights to\n revise these Terms and Conditions at any time by updating this\n posting. You should visit this page periodically to re-appraise\n yourself of the Terms and Conditions, because they are binding on\n all users of this Website.`,\n \"terms.conditions.minimumAge\": \"Minimum Age Requirements\",\n \"terms.conditions.minimumAge.about\":\n \"Our Services are not directed to children. You’re not allowed to access or use our Services if you’re under the age of 18 (or 16 in Europe). If you register as a user or otherwise use our Services, you represent that you’re at least 18 (or 16 in Europe). You may use our Services only if you can legally form a binding contract with us. In other words, if you’re under 18 years of age (or the legal age of majority where you live), you can only use our Services under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to the Agreement.\",\n \"terms.conditions.misuse\": \"Misuse\",\n \"terms.conditions.misuse.about\":\n \"The sellers may list and provide the details of the products/ services offered for sale to the buyers as a registered user of the Platform, however the sellers shall not be permitted to sell any product that falls under the list of banned items identified by the Company from time to time, or are otherwise prohibited for sale under applicable Law.\",\n \"terms.conditions.liability\": \"Limited Liability\",\n \"terms.conditions.liability-1\":\n \"A. The Company shall not be responsible for the sale of products listed by the users on the website and app created using its Platform.\",\n \"terms.conditions.liability-2\": `B. Any products or services that are listed for sale using our\n platform by its sellers is the sole responsibility of the sellers.\n You must look solely to the seller for any damages that result\n from your purchase or use of the products or services listed`,\n \"terms.conditions.liability-3\": `C. We may limit your access to our Services until we're able to\n verify your account information, like your email address or phone\n number.`,\n \"terms.conditions.refund\": `Refund and Cancellation Policy`,\n \"terms.conditions.refund-1\": `A. If the user decides to close their account and recover any unused account wallet money, they may do so by writing to us on support@zopping.com. We will refund the unused money after deducting any outstanding dues and taxes.`,\n \"terms.conditions.refund-2\": `B. For electronic payments, refunds shall be made through payment\n facility using any other online banking / electronic funds\n transfer system approved by Reserve Bank India (RBI).`,\n \"terms.conditions.refund-3\": `C. Refunds may be supported for select banks. Where a bank is not\n supported for processing refunds, You will be required to share\n alternate bank account details with for processing the refund.`,\n \"terms.conditions.refund-4\": `D. The bank will take 5-7 working days to refund the amount.`,\n\n \"hidden.costs\": \"Are there any hidden costs?\",\n \"hidden.costs.answer\":\n \"No. There aren’t any. All the features, themes, extensions and apps are completely free. However, if you choose your own domain name, then you may have to pay your domain provider. Delivery charges and payment gateway charges as agreed between you and the concerned parties are not included in our pricing plan and hence has to be borne by you.\",\n \"cost.online.store\": \"How much does it cost to set up my online store?\",\n \"cost.online.store.answer\":\n \"It is completely free to set up your online store. You don’t need to pay us anything until you hit a minimum of Rs. 20,000 or USD 1,000 (based on your billing slab) worth of orders per month through your online store. From there, the charges are based on the pricing plan mentioned above. Since your monthly sales through your online store vary every month, so are your monthly charges.\",\n \"highlight.hosting\": \"Hosting (Zopping subdomain) and SSL certificate\",\n \"highlight.themes\": \"Fully customizable themes\",\n \"highlight.product.listing\": \"Unlimited product listings\",\n \"highlight.unlimited.users\": \"Unlimited users\",\n \"highlight.unlimited.operations\": \"Unlimited multi-store operations\",\n \"highlight.apps\": \"Consumer app*, picker app, delivery app, admin app\",\n \"highlight.extensions\": \"All plugins/ extensions\",\n \"highlight.gateway.integrations\": \"Payment gateway integrations\",\n \"highlight.delivery.partner\": \"Delivery partner integrations\",\n \"highlight.social.media\": \"Social media and Google API integrations\",\n \"highlight.customer.support\": \"24x7 customer support\",\n \"less.than\": \"Less than\",\n \"email.error.msg\": \"Please enter a valid email address. Eg-abc@xyz.com\",\n \"anyone.can.sell.anything\": \"Anyone Can Sell Anything Online!\",\n \"brands.retailers.resellers\":\n \"From brands to retailers to resellers to online-first entrepreneurs anybody can set up and run an\",\n \"span.mobile.app\": \"Mobile App \",\n \"span.online.store\": \"Online Store \",\n \"and.a.text\": \"and a \",\n \"matter.few.minutes\": \"in a matter of few minutes\",\n \"setup.free.online.store\": \"Setup your FREE online store\",\n \"schedule.demo\": \"Schedule a DEMO\",\n \"zero.web.dev.skills\": \"Zero Web Development Skills Needed\",\n \"span.list.text\": \"List \",\n \"span.receive.text\": \"Receive \",\n \"span.manage.text\": \"Manage \",\n \"products.text\": \"products, \",\n \"orders.text\": \"orders, \",\n \"payments.handle.deliveries\":\n \"payments, handle deliveries, promote your brand and grow online easily using our intutive and customizable interface.\",\n \"your.store.customers.rules\":\n \"Your store, Your customers, Your margins, Your rules\",\n \"experience.online.marketplaces\":\n \"Frustrated by the experience of selling through online marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart, Udaan, etc? With your own online store and mobile app, you get to control your brand and customer experience, keep your hard earned margins and customer data completely with yourself.\",\n \"explore.our.features\": \"Explore our Features\",\n \"platform.specific.business\":\n \"A Platform Built for the Specific Nature of Your Business\",\n \"our.host.extensions\": \"Our host of extensions allow you to \",\n \"span.customize.text\": \"Customize \",\n \"your.online.store\": \"your online store while our \",\n \"span.enterprise.technology.text\": \"ENTERPRISE-GRADE TECHNOLOGY \",\n \"handle.thousands.transactions\":\n \"seamlesly handles thousands of transactions in a day and scale up your business.\",\n \"explore.prices\": \"Explore Prices\",\n \"start.online.store\": \"Start your Online store with few clicks\",\n \"sell.groceries.medicines\":\n \"Sell groceries, medicines, furniture, books, electronics, beauty products, jewellery, clothes, handicrafts, bakery products or anything online.\",\n \"store.information\": \"Store Information\",\n \"enter.store.name.logo\": \"Enter your Store name and logo\",\n \"select.domain\": \"Select Domain\",\n \"choose.store.url\": \"Choose your store URL\",\n \"select.industry\": \"Select Industry\",\n \"pick.business.operate\": \"Pick the business you operate\",\n \"select.theme\": \"Select Theme\",\n \"choose.theme.liking\": \"Choose the theme or colours of your liking\",\n \"download.now\": \"Download now\",\n \"unlock.ecommerce.power\":\n \"Unlock the power of E-commerce with the Zopping app\",\n \"features.banner.one.description\":\n \"Setting up and running your online store made super easy\",\n \"features.banner.two.description\":\n \"Advanced customizations made possible through a host of ‘installable’ extensions\",\n \"features.banner.three.description\":\n \"Access all the features via the Zopping mobile app\",\n hosting: \"Hosting\",\n \"hosting.desc\":\n \"Get free @zopping.com domain with free hosting when you sign up. You can move to your own domain immediately or at a later date.\",\n \"ssl.desc\":\n \"We offer a free 256-bit SSL certificate for your domain to enable a safe and secure shopping experience for your customers.\",\n \"themes.desc\":\n \"Choose from our library of templates that match the nature of your business. Customize page layouts, menus and colours, add logos, favicons, static pages and blogs to make your store reflect your brand. Easily switch between themes without breaking your website.\",\n \"search.box\": \"Search box\",\n \"search.box.desc\":\n \"Enable your customers to search for products from your store using our intelligent and personalised search functionality. Tailor and fix the search results for specific search terms to promote a particular product/ category/ brand.\",\n \"multi.language\": \"Multi-language\",\n \"multi.language.desc\":\n \"Set languages that you wish to support on your eStore and allow your customer to browse and shop on your eStore in the language they prefer.\",\n \"product.listing\": \"Product Listing\",\n \"product.listing.desc\":\n \"Upload and easily group your products into categories and multi-tier sub-categories. Add images, descriptions, tags, stock, prices, discounts, tax rates, cess and much more using built-in custom fields. Conveniently upload or edit your products individually or in bulk.\",\n \"sell.by.brand\": \"Sell by Brand\",\n \"items.sold.by-weight\": \"Sold by Weight\",\n \"sell.by.brand.desc\":\n \"Add a ‘brand’ field to your products on the catalogue to enable your customers to search and filter products based on the brand name.\",\n \"items.sold.by.weight\": \"Items Sold-by-Weight\",\n \"items.sold.by-weight.desc\":\n \"Start selling loose items and sold-by-weight such as fruits,vegetables, grains, meat, metals, etc.\",\n \"product.variants\": \"Product Variants\",\n \"product.variants.desc\":\n \"Seamlessly handle products that have variations by colour, size, weight, etc. Update photos, prices and discounts for each variant.\",\n \"product.subsitution\": \"Product Substitution\",\n \"product.subsitution.desc\":\n \"Set substitutes for your products and improve your fill rate by sending substitute products in case the originally ordered product is unavailable.\",\n \"stock.management.desc\":\n \"Upload or download stock data, set up buffer stock and get alerts when any product goes out of stock.\",\n \"payment.gateway.3rd.party\": \"3rd-party Payment Gateway Integration\",\n \"payment.gateway.3rd.party.desc\":\n \"Take advantage of a whole host ofpre-configured 3rd party payment gateways to quickly set up your payment mechanism. Intelligently automate your payment routing through multiple gateways to optimize your merchant transaction charges.\",\n \"paypal.integration\": \"PayPal Integration\",\n \"paypal.integration.desc\":\n \"Accept international orders and payments with our in-built PayPal integration.\",\n \"your.ewallet\": \"Your eWallet\",\n \"your.ewallet.desc\":\n \"Improve your customer loyalty and reward customers by offering them your branded eWallet. Your customers can add money to their wallets and use it during their future purchases.\",\n \"gift.cards.desc\":\n \"Enable your customers to gift their loved ones by selling customizable e-Gift Cards which can only be redeemed in your store.\",\n cod: \"Cash on Delivery (COD)\",\n \"cod.desc\": \"Offer COD functionality to your customers\",\n \"webpages.and.banners\": \"Webpages and Banners\",\n \"webpages.and.banners.desc\":\n \"Create and schedule custom web pages and web banners for different pages of your website to promote new product launches, offers, seasonal and festive sales, etc\",\n \"offers.management\": \"Offers Management\",\n \"offers.management.desc\":\n \"Create, customize, run and track 10+ variants of offers (like Flat off/ % off/ Min. Purchase/ combos/ Buy-One-Get-One/ % extra) on products/ categories/ brands/ customer segments. Set your limits and rules for the applicability of an offer.\",\n \"referral.management\": \"Referral Management\",\n \"referral.management.desc\":\n \"Grow your customers by creating a customised referral program that rewards your loyal customers and new users.\",\n \"google.merchant.center\": \"Google Merchant Center\",\n \"google.merchant.center.desc\":\n \"Integrate your Google Merchant Center account with your Zopping account and automatically sync your Zopping catalogue to Google Merchant Center with the simple click of a button.\",\n \"reviews.ratings\": \"Reviews and Ratings\",\n \"reviews.ratings.desc\":\n \"Enhance the credibility of your online store by providing your customers an option to rate and review your products and orders.\",\n blogs: \"Blogs\",\n \"blogs.desc\":\n \"Build an online community of loyal customers and readers by writing blogs that answer important questions for your customers or potential customers. Blogging for your eCommerce store can also has a positive impact on your your SEO ranking.\",\n \"campaign.management\": \"Campaign Management\",\n \"campaign.management.desc\":\n \"Create, schedule, run and monitor promotional campaigns through App notifications, Emails and SMSes to your customers. Distribute coupons, announce product launches, alert price drops, etc. Use the in-built customer segmentation tool to run targeted campaigns.\",\n \"coupons.desc\":\n \"Generate and distribute unique or standard coupons to offer product or shipping discounts to your customers. Set discount limits and restrict the applicability of the coupon based on the order value/ payment options/ order day/ customer segment/ store. Measure and monitor the success of the distribution of coupons and the resulting sales.\",\n seo: \"Search Engine Optimization (SEO)\",\n \"seo.desc\":\n \"Get discovered by your customers when they search for you or your products on the internet. Set your page titles, descriptions and keywords to appear higher in Google searches.\",\n \"orders.dashboard\": \"Orders Dashboard\",\n \"orders.dashboard.desc\":\n \"An intuitive and easy-to-navigate dashboard to view all your orders in one place with complete details such as order number, customer name, contact details, order time, order status, payment status, order value, etc.\",\n \"orders.alerts\": \"Order Alerts\",\n \"orders.alerts.desc\":\n \"Stay on top of your customers’ orders by getting instant SMS/ push notifications on important events such as order placement, cancellation, delivery, etc.\",\n \"delivery.area.management\": \"Delivery area management\",\n \"delivery.area.management.desc\":\n \"Restrict the areas to which you can deliver based on the pincodes or distance from the store or by drawing on the map.\",\n \"delivery.partner.integration\": \"Delivery Partner Integration\",\n \"delivery.partner.integration.desc\":\n \"Deliver your customer orders on your own or choose from our list of delivery partners to ship within your city or anywhere in India.\",\n \"customer.details\": \"Customer details\",\n \"customer.details.desc\":\n \"All your customer data and their purchase history are available in one place for you to edit, download, search or group. Import your existing customer data and keep everything in one place.\",\n \"live.chat\": \"Live chat\",\n \"live.chat.desc\":\n \"Resolve your customers’ queries through the live chat widget while they are shopping in your store.\",\n \"order.returns\": \"Order Returns\",\n \"order.returns.desc\":\n \"Seamlessly manage order returns, automatically adjust your inventory and refund your customers\",\n \"multi.user.access\": \"Multi-user Access\",\n \"multi.user.access.desc\":\n \"Allow your employees to manage your store. Set roles and permissions. Manage shifts and attendance.\",\n \"multi.store\": \"Multi-store\",\n \"multi.store.desc\":\n \"Have more than one physical store? We let you manage prices, offers, delivery charges based\",\n \"reports.desc\":\n \"Download standard sales, marketing, operations, customer, stock reports or create your custom report.\",\n \"analytics.desc\":\n \"Use our dashboard to track the health of your business. Monitor and compare your sales, marketing campaigns, operations, orders, customer growth, stock to derive meaningful insights and business intelligence.\",\n \"fb.analytics\": \"Facebook Analytics\",\n \"fb.analytics.desc\":\n \"Easily integrate and track the performance of your Facebook ads using your Facebook pixel ID.\",\n \"google.analytics\": \"Google Analytics\",\n \"google.analytics.desc\":\n \"Easily integrate your Google Analytics with your eStore to track your customer acquisition channels, demographics, revenue and other rich insights.\",\n \"customer.app\": \"Customer App\",\n \"customer.app.desc\":\n \"A customized and branded iOS and Android customer app for your store. Set your app name, launch icon and splash screens to reflect your brand.\",\n \"delivery.app\": \"Delivery App\",\n \"delivery.app.desc\":\n \"An Android app for your delivery staff to pick, prioritize and deliver the orders.\",\n \"picker.app\": \"Picker App\",\n \"picker.app.desc\":\n \"An Android app for your staff to pick, pack and verify orders, and print labels.\",\n \"admin.app\": \"Admin App\",\n \"admin.app.desc\":\n \"A free iOS and Android app for you to manage your online store on your mobile. Track your sales, review orders, modify your products, run marketing campaigns and change your store settings on the go.\",\n \"custom.password.format\": \"Customer password format setup\",\n \"custom.password.format.desc\":\n \"Set custom rules that your customers should follow while creating a password thereby improving the security.\",\n \"data.security\": \"Data Security\",\n \"data.security.desc\": \"Your data is accessible only to you.\",\n \"data.and.security\": \"Data and Security\",\n apps: \"Apps\",\n channels: \"Channels\",\n \"customer.management\": \"Customer Management\",\n delivery: \"Delivery\",\n marketing: \"Marketing\",\n cataloguing: \"Cataloguing\",\n \"testimonials.ambros\":\n \"I was completely new to e-commerce and scared about the last-mile delivery operations. I couldn’t have asked for a better or easier solution than the Zopping e-commerce platform. The entire process from order placement on web/mobiles apps through last-mile delivery is easy and extremely efficient. A fantastic experience overall! Amazing solution for retailers at an affordable price from the Zopping team!\",\n \"testimonials.medinmin\":\n \"I recommend Zopping e-com platform to everyone looking for web & app development. They have plug-and-play functionalities that meet your requirements immediately. They not only fulfilled my expectations but also exceeded them. The web & mobile apps are very attractive & also offer superb engagement with the users. I am really impressed by their service, software and professionalism.\",\n \"testimonials.blossom\":\n \"Zopping offered us the right guidance when we required an application to take our books business online. Before I decided, we had a discussion with their sales team and it guided us on how to convert our idea into an online book store. Later, the onboarding team was in touch with us throughout the set-up process and ensured that they customize the website as per our needs. Thanks a ton, Zopping team!\",\n \"testimonials.name.ambros\": \"Rohit Kumar\",\n \"testimonials.designation.ambros\": \"Director\",\n \"testimonials.company.ambros\": \"Ambros Retail\",\n \"testimonials.name.medinmin\": \"Irfan B\",\n \"testimonials.designation.medinmin\": \"Ops Manager\",\n \"testimonials.company.medinmin\": \"Medinminutes\",\n \"testimonials.name.blossom\": \"Mayigowda\",\n \"testimonials.designation.blossom\": \"Managing Director\",\n \"testimonials.company.blossom\": \"Blossom Book House\",\n \"give.zopping.try\": \"Give Zopping a try\",\n\n \"custom.domain.title\":\n \"How to set up a custom domain (URL) for your online store in Zopping?\",\n \"custom.domain.description\":\n \"As a Zopping customer, we offer a free zopping subdomain (URL) and SSL certificate for your online store.\",\n \"custom.domain.more.descriptions.1\":\n \"For example, if your store name is 'XYZ Supermart', then we automatically create an online store with a URL of https://xyzsupertmart.zopping.com for your customers to access your catalogue and place orders.
However, you might want to change this domain (URL) with your own to brand your website. This guide will help you link your custom domain with the online store that is created using Zopping.
To successfully switch your custom domain, you will need to make changes in two places and in the order mentioned below:
1. On your Domain Registrar (website from which you bought your domain) account
2. Zopping Dashboard\",\n \"custom.domain.heading.title\":\n \"Changes to be made in your Domain Registrar account - Updating DNS records:\",\n \"custom.domain.para.1.description\":\n \"1. Login to your Domain Registrar account (example: GoDaddy, Google Domains, Domain.com, Hover, etc).
2 .Go to Manage DNS or the equivalent setting.
3. Add a CNAME record with the following details:\",\n \"custom.domain.point.1.description\": \"Host Name (prefix of your domain)\",\n \"custom.domain.point.2.description\": \"Content - stores.zopping.com\",\n \"custom.domain.point.3.description\":\n \"TTL (enter 600 secs or whichever is the minimum value supported by your domain registrar)\",\n \"custom.domain.refrence.heading\":\n \"
Reference links/ guides to adding DNS records for popular domain registrar services:\",\n \"custom-domain-page.2.description\":\n \"Once the above-mentioned changes are done, it might take a few minutes or hours for the changes to reflect globally depending on your Domain Registrar and traffic.
TIP :You can check if the DNS records of your domain have been updated or not, by visiting WhatIsMyIP
Once the IP address has been successfully updated and started pointing to,then proceed to further steps.\",\n \"custom-domain-setup-heading-2\":\n \"Changes to be made in the Zopping Dashboard\",\n \"custom-domain-setup-description-3\":\n \" 1. Sign in to your Zopping Dashboard either from your browser or the Zopping App
2. Navigate to Settings
3. Click on Basic Information
4. Under Store URL, choose I have a custom domain
5. In the Store URL box, enter the domain name to which you wish to have your online store redirected to
6. Click on Save\",\n \"custom-domain-setup-description-4\":\n \" NOTE:
For your custom domain to redirect to the online store created with Zopping, you need to make changes both on the Domain Registrar account and Zopping dashboard and in the right order
For any additional help, please contact us on +91 9916814808 or drop an email at support@zopping.com\",\n\n \"five.reasons.title\": \"5 reasons to have your own online store\",\n \"five.reasons.description\":\n \"With the penetration of the internet, there is a rapid shift in the buying pattern of consumers. The Covid-19 pandemic has further accelerated this transition. A study conducted by McKinsey on US consumer buying behaviour states there has been a 15-30% growth in consumers who purchase online with groceries, apparel, furniture and medicines categories leading the pack. This shift poses a significant threat to traditional retailers or distributors who have been selling offline all along. But this also presents an opportunity to digitally transform their business and stay relevant in the changing times.\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.description\":\n \"Here are some of the top reasons why it is important for you as a retailer/ reseller/ social-media entrepreneur to set up your own online store:\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.items.1.title\": \"Ease of shopping\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.items.1.description\":\n \"A lot of retailers still rely on taking orders over WhatsApp or a phone call. This often results in a poor customer experience whereby the customer is unable to fully explore or search the catalogue, compare products or view product details. But by using your online store you can list, promote, track and sell better thereby improving your revenue and customer retention.\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.items.2.title\": \"Better margins\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.items.2.description\":\n \"In trying to catch up with the digital boom, few retailers are migrating to online marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart, Udaan, etc. However, a lot of them end up having bitter experiences due to the buyer-friendly return policies and high commissions charged by the online marketplaces. By owning an online store, you need not share your revenues with 3rd parties and hence improve your margins.\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.items.3.title\": \"Build Customer Loyalty\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.items.3.description\":\n \"Having an own online store means you now have access to your customer data and their transaction history. You can use this valuable information to run loyalty programs by offering discounts and cashbacks or run email or SMS marketing campaigns to improve your customer retention and lifetime value of your customers.\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.items.4.title\": \"Reach anywhere\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.items.4.description\":\n \"Small and medium businesses have done well in using the power of social media to brand and attract leads. However, if the leads from your marketing activity are not properly channelled to a page to make a purchase it can create leaks in your sales funnel. This is where owning an online store closes the loop. By integrating your online store with 3rd party logistics can enable you to reach customers anywhere in the world. Thus turning your local business into a global one.\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.items.5.title\": \"Business continuity\",\n \"five.reasons.list1.items.5.description\":\n \"One thing that the pandemic has exposed us to is the fragility and uncertainty associated with people's lives and businesses. With people being stuck in their homes, offline retailers have overnight lost their customers and they, unfortunately, didn’t have a Plan B. With viral variants getting formed very frequently, Covid induced lockdowns will become a norm. Hence it is important to shield your business from this uncertainty by having an online presence.\",\n \"five.reasons.paragraph.one\":\n \"Setting up an online store by a retailer can be quite challenging due to the significant amount of money, time and technical skills required. Not all retailers have the know-how of web development and it can quickly get overwhelming and confusing.\",\n \"five.reasons.paragraph.two\":\n \"Luckily, there are new-age, no-code tools like Zopping which enable retailers to set up their own online store in a matter of few clicks even though one doesn’t have any web development skills. The intuitive, click, drag-drop functionality makes it a no-brainer to set up and run your store.\",\n\n \"top.five.features.title\":\n \"Top 5 features to look for while choosing your Online Store Builder\",\n \"top.five.features.description\":\n \"In a flourishing era of no-code tools, setting up an online store has never been this easier for someone with little to no understanding of web development. Popular tools like Zopping, WooCommerce, Shopify, Squarespace, Dukaan, etc are giving business owners a wide range of options to choose from. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing your online store builder as the cost of switching can be steep once you settle with one tool.\",\n \"top.five.features.list1.items.1.title\": \"Ease of use\",\n \"top.five.features.list1.items.1.description\":\n \"Even though tools like Shopify claim to be an online store builder, one runs into quick trouble as any tiny bit of customization will require the help of programmers. If you are someone who doesn't want to hire web developers and want to do it on your own, then you should consider tools that offer you drag-and-drop functionality to quickly navigate and customize your website. The tasks could be as simple as listing your products, adding banners, setting up loyalty programs, integrating payment gateways and delivery partners, you should be able to do all these on your own using simple drag-drop functionalities.\",\n \"top.five.features.list1.items.2.title\": \"Customization\",\n \"top.five.features.list1.items.2.description\":\n \"Lot of online store builders out there in the market have limited customization options. This means your store is most probably going to look like every other store on the internet. You should choose tools that will actually help you customize and match the way your business truly runs. You might want to restrict your delivery areas, charge different customers differently, promote a specific brand, create a unique product listing page or offer buying suggestions. This is where a one-size-fits-all online builder can disappoint you. Your online store builder should match with the way your business runs and not the other way around.\",\n \"top.five.features.list1.items.3.title\": \"Payment options\",\n \"top.five.features.list1.items.3.description\":\n \"Gone are the days when customers preferred to pay with cash. The flourishing space of digital payments ranging from netbanking, credit/ debit cards, UPI, eWallets, Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL) options offer customers a lot of choices to pay for their goods or services. To stay on top of the change you should look for online store builders that offer simple plug-and-play payment gateway integrations.\",\n \"top.five.features.list1.items.4.title\": \"Mobile App\",\n \"top.five.features.list1.items.4.description\":\n \"One of the trends in the eCommerce space that we are increasingly seeing is that customers are making purchases through their smartphones or tablets. Hence it is important to not only have an eCommerce website but also a mobile-friendly website and a mobile app! At Zopping, we not only offer to our customers a mobile-friendly online store but also free Android and iOS mobile apps which the store owners can immediately host on their PlayStore or App Store accounts. This means, our customers in a matter of a few clicks can get their online store running on both web and mobile apps.\",\n \"top.five.features.list1.items.5.title\": \"Pricing Plan\",\n \"top.five.features.list1.items.5.description\":\n \"While choosing an online builder it is not sufficient to look at upfront set up cost alone but you should also have a rough estimate of the operating expenses that you would incur. Lots of online store builders in the market charge customers a certain percentage of commission on the amount of sales conducted through their online store. These commissions can range anywhere between 2-5%. This can quickly eat into your profits. There are also several add-on charges that get levied, including, owning a custom domain, plugins charges, mobile app generation charges, etc. At Zopping, we have taken a completely different approach towards charging our customers. There are no add-on charges. We charge a variable amount every month and the variable charges depend on the sales you make through your online store. If you had a bad month, you don’t need to pay us anything. In good months, we charge a very reasonable price. This way you don’t need to incur fixed costs but keep your online store running always - just the way you intend it to be.\",\n\n \"how.to.setup.title\": \"How to set up your own online store using Zopping\",\n \"how.to.setup.description\":\n \"Setting up your online store using Zopping is super easy. We at Zopping have made the entire platform intuitive so that you can build, manage and grow your dream online business with a few simple clicks.\",\n \"how.to.setup.more.descriptions.1\":\n \"To set up an online store, you need to first create an account on Zopping. You can register either using your email address or phone number or simply sign-up with Google. Once you have registered, you need to choose a name for your store, a logo and select a theme from the numerous options offered.After you finish these steps, we automatically generate an URL and an online store. However, in most cases, this won’t be sufficient for you to start selling your products to your customers. Following is a list of a few bare minimum settings that you need to configure to be able to start selling.\",\n \"how.to.setup.list1.items.1.title\": \"Customize Appearance\",\n \"how.to.setup.list1.items.1.description\":\n \"To host your online store, we offer a free Zopping subdomain and SSL certificate. However, to make your store stand out and build trust among your customers, it is recommended that you choose your own domain. If you don’t own any domain, you can buy it online from stores like GoDaddy. Once you have your domain, configure your domain on the Basic Information Page and do not forget to Set A record in your DNS settings with as the value. You should also set your store logo and favicon, which can go a long way in creating a sense of genuineness among your customers.\",\n \"how.to.setup.list1.items.2.title\": \"List products\",\n \"how.to.setup.list1.items.2.description\":\n \"Add all the products that you would like to sell through your online store. Group them into categories and sub-categories. The listing page also allows you to add product descriptions, images, variants (different sizes, weights, colours, lengths, etc) and substitutes, set prices, discounts and stock limits, and assign brands and tags so that your users can easily navigate, discover and buy your products. If you want to add additional details, you can always add custom fields to your product listing!\",\n \"how.to.setup.list1.items.3.title\": \"Delivery Settings\",\n \"how.to.setup.list1.items.3.description\":\n \"Apart from the customers picking up the orders at your store, do you also offer home delivery? If yes, to which locations? What is the minimum order value to be eligible for home delivery? And what are the delivery charges? Do you have a 3rd party delivery partner? These are the settings that you configure by visiting the Order Config page\",\n \"how.to.setup.list1.items.4.title\": \"Select payment methods\",\n \"how.to.setup.list1.items.4.description\":\n \"You have an option to receive payments from your customers through several popular payment gateways. Head over to the Payments page, choose your payment gateway provider and fill in the credentials to instantly enable the online payment collection method on your website. You can also choose to enable or disable Cash-On-Delivery (COD) option from the Order Config Page\",\n \"how.to.setup.list1.items.5.title\": \"Trial run\",\n \"how.to.setup.list1.items.5.description\":\n \"Once you have set up everything, don’t forget to conduct a trial run by placing a sample order and getting it delivered to the desired location so that you are sure that you have your operation aligned and running smoothly.\",\n \"how.to.setup.para.1.description\":\n \"That is all, your online store is now ready. Easy-peasy! Now start sharing your online store on your marketing channels, display them on flyers and posters or run email or SMS campaigns using Zopping to start receiving orders. Happy selling!\",\n \"how.to.setup.para.2.description\":\n \"Still have questions? Feel free to contact us.\",\n\n \"create.discount.coupons.zopping.title\":\n \"How to create discount coupons in Zopping?\",\n \"create.discount.coupons.zopping.description\":\n \"Coupons are a useful way for you to encourage your customers to buy more often. They can also be shared with an affiliate marketer or influencer to get more reach for your website.\",\n\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-para1\":\n \"Coupons are a useful way for you to encourage your customers to buy more often. They can also be shared with an affiliate marketer or influencer to get more reach for your website. Once shared, you will also be able to track the effectiveness of the affiliate or the influencer based on the number of times the coupon has been used by your customers while making a purchase.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-para2\":\n \"With Zopping, we allow you to create coupons whose terms and conditions can be easily configured by you.\",\n\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1\": \"Steps to create a coupon?\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-step-heading1\": \"Step 1\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-step1\":\n \"To create a coupon, click on the ‘ Coupons ’ menu\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-step2\":\n \"Click on the ‘ + Add Coupons’ button\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-step-heading2\": \"Step 2\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-step3\":\n \"Enter the coupon name, its validity and other
restrictions.The below guide will tell what each of the fields means.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-step-heading3\": \"Step 3\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-step4\":\n \"Click on ‘ Submit’ to create the coupon. The newly
created coupon will be visible on your Coupons page\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1\":\n \"Explanation of fields in the Add Coupon page:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point1\":\n \"Coupon Code:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point1-body\":\n \"This is the coupon code that you would be creating, which the customer will use at the time of purchase to avail the discount. Note that the coupon code is case-sensitive.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point2\": \"Validity:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point2-body\":\n \"Here you can define the time period during which the coupon will be valid.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point3\":\n \"Coupon gives:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point3-body\":\n \"This allows you to offer a flat discount or a percentage discount of the order value.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point4\":\n \"Coupon Applicable for:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point4-body\":\n \"This allows your coupon to offer a discount either on the order value or the shipping cost.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point5\": \"Comment:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point5-body\":\n \"This is only for your internal reference purpose. You can mention your comments and these won’t be visible to your customers.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point6\":\n \"Max. redemption by single user:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point6-body\":\n \"This field sets how many times this particular coupon code can be used by a customer. If nothing is mentioned, then it is considered that there is no limit on the number of times a customer can use this coupon.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point7\":\n \"Max. redemption:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point7-body\":\n \"This field allows you to restrict how many times this particular coupon can be used overall - combining all your customers. If nothing is mentioned, then it is considered that there is no limit on the number of times this coupon can be applied.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point8\":\n \"Max. discount amount:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point8-body\":\n \"This limits the amount of discount that a user can avail while using this coupon. This is particularly useful if you are creating a coupon that offers a percentage discount on either order or shipping value. Configuring this field limits the discount you offer to your customers.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point9\":\n \"Minimum order amount:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point9-body\":\n \"You can set a minimum order amount to be able to use this coupon\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point10\":\n \"Payment Mode:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point10-body\":\n \"The created coupon can be restricted to function only for specific payment modes - either for Cash on Delivery (COD), Online or both\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point11\":\n \"Visibility:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point11-body\":\n \"When you enable the ‘Private’ checkbox, then the coupon is not visible to users on the checkout page. If it is not check-marked, then the coupon will be visible on the checkout page of your website to all customers upon clicking the ‘View all coupons’ link\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point12\": \"Days:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point12-body\":\n \"The coupon will only work on the days specified days marked here. You can use this restriction to offer coupon discounts to your customers on lean days.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point13\":\n \"Applies to:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point13-body\":\n \"The coupon will only work for orders placed in the chosen stores\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point14\":\n \"Description:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point14-body\":\n \"If your coupon is not marked ‘Private’ then the description of the coupon mentioned here will be visible to your customers\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point15\": \"Image:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point15-body\":\n \"If your coupon is not marked ‘Private’ then the image of the coupon uploaded here will be visible to your customers\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point16\": \"Segments:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question1-sub-heading1-point16-body\":\n \"Here, you can choose the set of customers who can use this coupon. If nothing is selected, it is assumed that the coupon applies to all customers.\",\n\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question2\":\n \"How to disable or enable a coupon?\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question2-answer\":\n \"Once created, you cannot delete the coupon. It can only be edited or disabled. To disable a coupon, click on the ‘Coupons’ menu. Click on the more icon ( ) and select the ‘Disable’ option to disable a coupon.\",\n\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question3\":\n \"Where can I find my coupon analytics?\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question3-answer\":\n \"To view the analytics of a coupon, click on the ‘Coupons’ menu. Click on the more icon ( ) and select the ‘Analytics’ option to view the coupon analytics.\",\n\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question4\":\n \"How can I generate multiple unique coupons?\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question4-answer\":\n \"To generate multiple unique coupons:\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question4-step-heading1\": \"Step 1\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question4-step1\":\n \"Install the ‘ Unique Coupon Generator’ extension
under ‘Marketing’ extensions\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question4-step-heading2\": \"Step 2\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question4-step2\":\n \"Once the extension is installed, go to the
‘Coupons’ menu.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question4-step3\":\n \"You will notice the ‘+Add Unique Coupon’ button
on the top right. Click that button to open a form.\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question4-step-heading3\": \"Step 3\",\n \"create-discount-coupons-zopping-question4-step4\":\n \"Give a prefix and suffix and the number of unique
coupons that you would like to create. This will
generate the desired number of coupons that
follow the same terms and conditions as
configured on thecreate unique coupon page.\",\n\n \"google.api.key.title\": \"How to Create a Google Maps API Key\",\n \"google.api.key.description\":\n \"To unlock some advanced features and extensions on Zopping, you would need to configure a Google Maps API key on the Zopping Dashboard or the app.\",\n \"google.api.key.metadata\":\n \"Learn how you can configure Google Maps API Key on Zopping\",\n \"google-api-key-question1-heading\":\n \"What is a Google Maps API Key and why is it necessary?\",\n \"google-api-key-answer1-para\":\n \"Google Maps API Key is a private alphanumeric text provided by Google. You can use your private Google Maps API Key to unlock some of the Google Maps location functionalities on your online store and provide better experience to your customers.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer1-para2\":\n \"Some of the applications of using Google Maps API Key in your online store include, collecting your customers’ delivery locations, charging different delivery fees based on the delivery location of your customer, displaying your store location to your customers, etc.\",\n \"google-api-key-question2-heading\":\n \"How can I get a Google Maps API Key?\",\n \"google-api-key-answer2-para\":\n \"Google Maps API Key is available on Google Maps Platform, which is a product of Google Cloud. To get started, you need to create an account on Google Cloud. A valid Google Cloud account provides you with access to the Google Maps Platform along with several other Google Cloud products.\",\n \"google-api-key-question3-heading\":\n \"Once you have a valid Google Cloud account, follow the below steps to create a Google Maps Platform account.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer3-step1\":\n \"Once you are logged into your Google Cloud console, navigate to the Google Maps Platform from the side menu bar.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer3-step2\": \"Create a new Google Maps project.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer3-step3\": \"Set up a billing account for this project.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer3-step4\":\n \"Link your Google Maps project to the newly created billing account.\",\n \"google-api-key-question4-heading\":\n \"Things that needs to be done get a valid and functioning Google Maps API Key:\",\n \"google-api-key-answer4-para1\":\n \"You should have a valid billing account setup for Google Maps Platform. Having a Google Cloud Console billing account won’t be sufficient.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer4-para2\":\n \"Your billing account needs to have a credit card linked. Google verifies your credit card by deducting a nominal amount (it will be refunded typically in a day or so).\",\n \"google-api-key-question5-heading\":\n \"Once you have a valid Google Maps Platform project and a billing account associated with it, follow the below steps to find your Google Maps API Key.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer5-step1\": \"Login to your Google Maps Platform account.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer5-step2\": \"Click on Credentials from the menu bar.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer5-step3\":\n \"Under the API Keys section, click on Show Key.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer5-step4\":\n \"This shows a pop-up with the value of your Google Maps API Key.\",\n \"google-api-key-question6-heading\":\n \"Where to configure Google Maps API Key in Zopping?\",\n \"google-api-key-answer6-para\":\n \"Before you configure your Google Maps API key, ensure that the following APIs are enabled. These are the APIs that are used in Zopping. Not having any of these APIs enabled can hamper the functionality of your online store.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer6-step1\":\n \"Geocoding API - helps you find the latitude and longitude of your customer's delivery location.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer6-step2\":\n \"Maps JavaScript API - Helps you render a Google Map on your online store or the dashboard.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer6-step3\":\n \"Maps SDK for Android - Helps you render a Google Map on your Android mobile app.\",\n \"google-api-key-answer6-step4\":\n \"Places API - Auto-suggests landmarks on your online store.\",\n \"google.api.key.login.dashboard.heading\":\n \"Once you have the above APIs enabled, login to your Zopping Dashboard or Admin App\",\n \"google.api.key.question.cost.heading\":\n \"How much does a Google Maps API Key cost?\",\n \"google.api.key.answer.cost.para1.description\":\n \"Google Maps API Key is priced based on the number of times the APIs are utilized. Each API has a different rate. Refer to the Google Maps pricing page to understand how different APIs are priced. \",\n \"google.api.key.answer.cost.para2.description\":\n \"However, Google gives $200 free credit every month, which is sufficient for a small and medium business that receives anything around 1000 orders a month. Any billing above $200 is deducted from your credit card. You also have an option to set budgets and alerts so that you can always stay within the free credit limit given by Google and stay alerted when you get close to it.\",\n \"google.api.key.answer.cost.para3.description\":\n \"For any further support related to configuring Google Maps API Key on Zopping, please write to us on support@zopping.com \",\n \"google-api-key-setup\":\n \"You will find a name of Google API key.Paste
the Google map API Key here and hit save.\",\n \"click-on-setting\": \"Click On Settings\",\n \"click-on-api-inegration\": \"Click On API Integration\",\n \"add.product.title\": \"How to Add Products to Your Online Store\",\n \"add.product.description\":\n \"After setting up your eCommerce website or app, it is time to start adding products to your website. With the Zopping app, it is super easy.\",\n \"add.product.more.descriptions.1\":\n \"To make your store look pretty, we have added a few dummy products related to the industry that you have chosen at the time of signup. You can find these dummy products under the Products menu. You are free to edit these products by clicking on the product or delete them by clicking on the menu icon and choosing the Delete option.\",\n \"add.product.more.descriptions.2\":\n \"In addition to the above-mentioned dummy products, you can add an unlimited number of products for free.\",\n \"add.product.heading.title\":\n \"Steps to add a new product to your eCommerce store:\",\n \"add.product.imgcontent.one\":\n \"1. Click on the + Add Product button in the Products menu.
\",\n \"add.product.imgcontent.two\":\n \"2. Fill up the details that are related to the product like product name, image, category, price and stock, etc
\",\n \"add.product.imgcontent.three\":\n \"3. Click on the Save button to save your product
\",\n \"add.product.para.1.description\":\n \"To preview your product, click on the menu icon next to the product and choose the View on Website option. This will open the product details page of your online store on the browser.\",\n \"add.product.more.heading.title\":\n \"Explanation of the fields on the Add Product page:\",\n \"add.product.productname.para\":\n \"Name
Enter your product name.This will be displayed on your online store.\",\n \"add.product.productname.para.example\": \"Example: Men’s Running Shoes\",\n \"add.product.category.para\":\n \"Categories
You can group your products into one or more categories.These categories will appear on the menu bar of your online store. If you have already created a category, you can search and assign your product to this category or simply create a new category on the fly.\",\n \"add.product.category.para.example\":\n \"Example: Men’s Shoes, Running Shoes
\",\n \"add.product.category.para.example.note\":\n \"Note: It is mandatory to assign a category to your product. Else, your product will not be visible on your website.\",\n \"add.product.description.para\":\n \"Description
This is the place where you can mention additional information about your product. This can include technical specifications, features, benefits, dimensions, warranty, etc\",\n \"add.product.description.para.example\": \"Example:\",\n \"add.product.description.para.example.one\": \"Shoe Width: Medium\",\n \"add.product.description.para.example.two\": \"Outer Material: Mesh\",\n \"add.product.description.para.example.three\": \"Toe Style: Round Toe\",\n \"add.product.description.para.example.four\": \"Warranty: 90 days\",\n \"add.product.upload.image.para\":\n \"Product images
Here, you can upload the images of your product either via Camera or from your Gallery. While you can add an unlimited number of images, we only support .jpeg, .png and .jpg formats and the images should be less than 20 MB in size.\",\n \"add.product.barcode.image.para\":\n \"Barcode
If you are using our Smart POS app along with the Zopping app, then adding barcodes here will enable you to scan the barcodes of the products on the POS app. If you are not using the Smart POS app, then it is not necessary to add these details.
\",\n \"add.product.barcode.note.para\":\n \"Note: You can add more than one barcode to your product.\",\n \"add.product.sellingprice.para\":\n \"Selling Price
This is the MRP or the actual price or the price printed on your product inclusive of all taxes.
\",\n \"inclusive.all.taxes\": \"inclusive of all taxes\",\n \"add.product.sellingprice.note.para\":\n \"Note: This may not be the price that you wish to sell. Products with no Selling Price will not appear on your online store.\",\n \"add.product.discount.para\":\n \"Discount
This is the discount that you would like to offer on the Selling Price of your product. The price that the customer will be paying is Selling Price - Discount.\",\n \"add.product.tax.para\":\n \"Taxes
Based on the country that you are located and the tax rate applicable for that particular product, you can enter the tax percentage.This is option
\",\n \"add.product.tax.note.para\":\n \"Note: Selling Price - Discount is the price that your customer will pay. The tax percentage entered here is used only for generating the invoice for your customers.\",\n \"add.product.quantity.para\":\n \"Quantity
You can mark the quantity as Available if you have the necessary stock. In case the stock is over, you can mark it Out of Stock and your customers won’t be able to order these products.
\",\n \"add.product.quantity.note.para\":\n \"Note: Products that are out of stock, will appear on your website but will be marked as Out of Stock.\",\n \"add.product.additional.para\":\n \"In addition to the above fields, there is more information that can be added to further manage and customise your catalogue. This is done via installing Extensions. These extensions are available under Settings > Extensions > Catalogue\",\n \"how.to.customize.footer.title\":\n \"How to customize the footer of your online store\",\n \"how.to.customize.footer.description\":\n \"The footer is the bottom-most section of your eCommerce website. It generally contains contact details of your company and links to secondary pages.\",\n \"how.to.customize.footer.more.descriptions.1\":\n \"With Zopping, you have the flexibility to customise the footer of your website by visiting the Contact Details page under the Settings menu. There are 4 major blocks that you can add. These include:\",\n \"how.to.customize.para.1.description\":\n \"
If the problem persists, drop us an email at support@zopping.com or call us on +91 9916814808.\",\n \"explore.faqs\": \"Explore FAQs\",\n \"add.products.faqs.answer.short.para.description\":\n \"To add variants or options to the same product, you will have to install the Product Variant Support extension. You will find this extension by navigating to More > Settings > Extensions > Catalogue > Product Variant Support. Once the extension is installed, you will see the Add Variant button on the Add Product page using which you can add multiple variants, assign images, set different prices and stock\",\n\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.title\":\n \"How to Add Store Logo and Favicon to your Online Store\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.description\":\n \"To make your eCommerce website or app look genuine and reflect your brand, it is important to add your store logo and favicon.\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.heading.title\": \"Where does the store logo appear?\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.para.1.description\":\n \"The store logo appears on the header section of every page of your online store. It will also be visible in the emails (like Order placed, Reset password, Order delivered, Order cancelled, etc) that are automatically sent to your customers.\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.more.heading.title\":\n \"Where does the favicon appear?\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.additional.para.1.description\":\n \"Favicon is a tiny image that is visible on the tab of your browser.\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.more.heading.title.one\":\n \"
\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.imgcontent.two\":\n \"2. Click on Basic Information
\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.imgcontent.three\":\n \"3. Click on the Upload your logo section, and choose the logo from your Gallery
\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.imgcontent.four\":\n \"4. Click on the Upload Favicon section, and choose the favicon from your Gallery
\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.imgcontent.five\":\n \"5. Click on Save
\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.para.2.description\":\n \"You can now click on View Store from the Home page to see your online store with your logo and favicon.\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.more.heading.title.two\":\n \"
1. Your logo cannot be more than 2 MB in size
\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.note.para.two.description\":\n \"2. Only .jpeg, .png and .jpg formats are allowed
\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.note.para.three.description\":\n \"3. For a better look, upload a logo and favicon that have a transparent background
\",\n \"how.to.add.logo.favicon.note.para.four.description\":\n \"4. For favicon, choose an image that has an aspect ratio of 1:1
\",\n \"make.technology.accessible\":\n \"We make technology accessible to every retailer around the world\",\n \"no.code.online-store\":\n \"Zopping is a no-code online store builder by Zopsmart (Raramuri Consultancy Services LLP). We help brands, retailers, resellers, SMEs, online-first entrepreneurs and hobbyists to set up and run robust and scalable online stores and mobile apps of their own in less than 10 minutes.\",\n \"customizable.platform.intuitive\":\n \"Our intuitive and customizable platform helps those with no web designing or development skills to easily list their products, manage orders, receive payments, handle deliveries, promote their brands and grow online. \",\n \"happy.store.owners\": \"Happy Store Owners\",\n \"countries.text\": \"Countries\",\n \"online.sales.text\": \"Online Sales\",\n \"suite.mobile.apps\":\n \"Our suite of iOS and Android mobile apps enable store owners and their staff to handle their operations on the go.\",\n \"for.store.owners\": \"For Store Owners\",\n \"zopping.app.text\": \"Zopping App\",\n \"for.store.staff\": \"For Store Staff\",\n \"picker.app.text\": \"Picker App\",\n \"for.delivery.agents\": \"For Delivery Agents\",\n \"delivery.app.text\": \"Delivery App\",\n \"for.customers.text\": \"For Customers\",\n \"your.app.text\": \"Your App\",\n \"life.at.zopping\": \"Life at Zopping\",\n \"life.zopping.description\":\n \"Fun, innovation and collaboration packed in one place.\",\n \"addtional.charges\":\n \"*Additional charges apply if your app is hosted by Zopping or any other set up services.\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.title\":\n \"How to accept payments from customers for their orders on Zopping?\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.description\":\n \"With Zopping, you can accept payments from your customers for their orders using two methods - Cash on Delivery (COD) and Online Payment.\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.description1\":\n \"You can configure the payment methods by visiting Settings on your dashboard and clicking on Payments submenu.\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.description2\":\n \"Note: You need to have at least one payment option configured at any point of time.\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.description3\":\n \"In this post, we will explain how to configure an Online Payment method which will enable you to accept online payments from your customers.\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.step1\":\n \"1. Click on Settings menu\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.step2\":\n \"2. Click on Payments submenu\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.step3\":\n \"3. This will load a dropdown through which you can select your desired payment gateway.\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.step4\":\n \"4. From the list of payment gateways that appear, choose your preferred one\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.step5\":\n \"5. Enter your Merchant or API keys, as required\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.step6\":\n \"6. Choose the payment modes (Netbanking, UPI, Credit cards, Debit cards, Wallets, etc) that you wish to allow for that payment gateway\",\n \"how.to.accept.online.payments.from.customers.for.their.orders.on.zopping.step7\":\n \"7. Click on Save\",\n \"online.payment.method.blog.title\":\n \"How to get the merchant and API keys from your payment gateway? \",\n \"how.to.get.the.merchant.and.api.keys.from.your.payment.gateway\":\n \"